What I enjoyed most this week was practicing persuasive and
bad news writing. Before studying this topic, I had never really realized that
there is a difference in the writing style depending on the message. We learned
that for good news, you put the main idea right at the beginning to motivate the
audience. For bad news, you hide the main idea a little in the text so that you
can warm them up to it.
For my persuasive writing assignment, I chose to write a girl why she
should date me and for my bad news letter, I broke up
with someone. I learned many things during this assignment, but I believe the
saddest is that I discovered that I could more easily break up with someone
than tell them why I am dateable. I hope that it is not too big of a problem
As a team, The Brethren, we started to work on our presentation; it will be on Thursday. It was enjoyable to get together as a group and work together; one of the things that I love most is working as a team. We were able to design all of our slides and get the master copy ready, all that we need to do now is practice!
Good work today on the presentation. I think it went well. As far as this post goes, I like it. It's been interesting to learn how to use indirect and direct methods effectively. I actually had no idea they even existed before this class. I find it troubling that it's easier for you to break a young sheila's heart than to ask one out. Have you never broken up with someone???